640 SE Lincoln Ave | St. Cloud, MN 56304
640 SE Lincoln Ave | St. Cloud, MN 56304
Very Limited Quantities
A walk through horror! Deep in the dank, dark woods live vile creatures that the townsfolk steer clear of. They have poisoned the surrounding lands and cursed anyone who dares to enter this horrid place they claim as home. Warning: You will be exposed to strobe lights, loud noises, scary/horror scenes, intense visual effects, and theatrical fog that may affect those with or without asthma. Prepare to be scared.
Get more information on dates and times for Molitor's Haunted Acres in 2024. Go to molitorshauntedacres.com
Certificate for General Admission. CHECK-IN AT THE TICKET BOOTH. There you will receive a physical token to enter the line to the entrance of the haunt. Plan to arrive 20 minutes ahead of booth closing.
Standard terms and conditions apply. Please visit our Terms of Service Page for more details.